Don't worry. We all survived. :) Okay so we didn't really experience a hurricane, but it sure looked and felt like one. Yesterday just after Josh had left to go help a new couple in the branch move in, and just as I was leaving to go pick up some sister missionaries a storm attacked. The power was cutting in and out as I was walking out the door and limbs and leaves were whipping me as I ran out to the car. On the way out of town I was passed by about 3 cop cars, 2 fire trucks, and one ambulance. It was crazy. The drive out to the sisters was interesting in itself, as I went the whole way driving 20 on the freeway. It was pretty exciting. However, it wasn't until I got back into town and was heading over to help Josh finish up the move that I noticed how much damage the storm had done. GIANT trees had been blown over. (I tried to take pictures as I was driving. These were the best I got.) The picture of the biggest tree is actually just around the corner from our house. It was amazing that it didn't hit any of the expensive houses it was growing next to. These were just a few of the trees that fell. Others blocked off streets entirely and there were many poor cars that had suffered giant limbs falling on them. I'm so glad ours was not one of them.

holy crazy storm! Mother natures sure is nuts huh? glad you are ok.
eish. i'm also glad it wasn't you. Do you have a lot of trees in front of your house?
Yes we have tons of trees surrounding us. And an especially large one in front.
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