The weather in Richmond this winter has been delightful. A few weeks ago it was almost 70 all week long. One of the days we went for a walk on the North Bank trail by the James River. Fiz was loving it! He is all about following the trail and loves running up ahead and then running back to us, over and over again.
First shot of Sydney/Fizgig run-by.
Success! It doesn't look much like it, but they were flying!
The best part about going on this little "hike" is that it is only a few minutes away and actually located right near downtown. It's a fun trail on bikes too that I have to thank Nat for showing me. Now I just have to talk Syd into getting a bike and then we can go together.
Obligatory Dog photos.
Morning face.
Night-time Face
Walk in the park while Sydney is with a new client.
Syd and Fiz. Both easily entertained. :)
Glamor Shot!
He's in perfect position to get the food.
Long post, but I also want to document my disease. Yep...I have an unknown disease. (Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook have no doubt, seen the pictures I continue to post). Those of you who are uninterested in my personal health/pictures of my weird rash/etc., feel free to skip. Otherwise, I'm going to describe my experience. Getting some patient perspective, since this last week is the first time I've been to the doctor in 4-5 years. These photos are in chronological order and for educational purposes. I have obtained permission from the patient to post these. :)
Day 2 of the rash.
Day 2
Day 3 - went to student health since the OB/GYN clerkship coordinator told me that I couldn't come in to the hospital until they checked me out.
Right after seeing student health. Diagnosis - Hand/Foot/Mouth disease (viral infection) - stay home until the rash goes away.
Few days later.
Few days later - spreading to the back of my hands.
And wrists.
Day 7 - 2nd visit to Student health. Getting worse and spreading up my arms and legs. No feet pictures early on, since it wasn't very impressive...till later. They looked pretty much like my hands.
Day 9 - Student Health sent me to Derm. They did a punch biopsy and got me naked and looked at everything. Drew some labs. Everything looked pretty normal except for mild eosinophilia (7.2%) and platelets at 140 which is just barely low. Still waiting on biopsy results.
Day 8 - sorry for the gross feet. Feet are gross.
Day 10
Day 10
Day 10
Day 10
And today is Day 11. I've missed an entire week of my OB/GYN rotation. It stinks because I'll have to make it up...sometime. I just want to get back, so I don't miss any more time and have to do more makeup. It just won't go away. Strangest other symptoms. Nothing. I feel completely fine. The rash is mildy irritating, but not really itchy. Just hurts if I use my hands too much.
Anyway, there have been many diagnoses guessed. I'm willing to hear them all.
Zombie Apocalypse. Did it happen before you went on a walk? Maye you are having an elegiac reaction to some sort of food/chemical. I know they said they think it is a virus, but who knows.
Yep. Happened before the walk. It's finally going away, and there is still no diagnosis.
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