Thursday, January 2, 2014


Alright. Major catch up time. Let's see how quickly I can fill you in with all our life happenings in the last three months. Ready, set, millions of pictures!

We'll begin in August. We started off using Josh's gift Bingo dates by going to Greenbluff to pick delicious peaches. What fun!

The next Bingo date was a trip to the library to pick out some books. Then we had to find a tree to climb, where we would then read our books!

Josh reading to me a book about being green. :) Irony.

We followed tree climbing up with some uber large Rootbeer floats. Yum.

I can't remember if this was a Bingo date or not, but it was fun. We got to go to the Spokane County Fair and rodeo.

Josh made a new friend.

 And so did I! ...a tiny one. And we got to see a 40 year old horse run around the rodeo arena. I've never even heard of a horse getting that old.  (I'll turn Josh into a horse lover yet!)

We got to do some mountain biking. This trail was a tad bit on the scary side for me. Too much steepness should one fall off the trail. Josh didn't mind at all.

Once the weather started cooling off we started finding mice in the house. Fiz was an expert mouse-alerter, though he was terrible at catching them. One night he got us up around midnight alerting us to a mouse on the counter. Josh had left the sunflower seed bag out and a mouse was inside! Easiest way to kill a mouse ever. Josh just closed the bag quick and we stuck him in the freezer for a little nap.

Your mustache is so luscious Josh!

Another awesome Bingo date...with not so many awesome pictures. Josh took me to see the Frightened Rabbit. It was tons of fun and something we hadn't done in a long time.

One time we went boating with friends. The last day it was really warm enough to get in the water.

The weather changed in a snap, but we still had fun exploring our town of Spokane. We had a blast hiking around Riverside State Park. It was perfect hiking weather, and we couldn't ask for prettier fall colors.

This one especially loved it. Can you tell?

Soon it was time for a change of hairstyle. Anybody have a favorite? ;)

I was tempted to be the little mermaid for Halloween, or anyone with red hair really, but somehow boy costumes always win out. They're just so much more fun. 

Josh and I pride ourselves with our last minute costumes. Always the day before or the day of. No one would ever know though. :)

A few times our coffee table stump decided it still wanted to be alive. Here are some mushrooms that we grew, slash had to kill. Josh has had to remove mushrooms three times, but he's poured some vinegar in the crack and we think we're finally rid of them.

With the change of the season also came the change of the vehicle. No garage equals time to finish up the outdoor projects, so Josh finally finished up his the point where he could at least sell it. (Josh had grown a little sick of the truck at this point. Too big of a project with too little time.) And now we've replaced it with a Toyota Tercel. Sorry no pics. 

Beautiful for a roll on paint job right?!

Josh also tackled his first upholstery job, other than a motorcycle seat. It turned out pretty darn great.

This was the first year Josh didn't get a break for any of the Holidays, so we didn't get to spend time with family, but we've made some great friends who helped us celebrate in style. Thanksgiving was spent with our friends and neighbors, the Dahl's. Their kids are awesome and we had a blast chowing down on some delicious food, followed by fixing each other's faces up with tape.

 Following Thanksgiving we spent plenty of time indoors, with fires and football. Much too chilly to do stuff outside.

 Though we did venture out on the coldest day of the year to chop down our very own Christmas tree.

Soon the house was decorated.

And the packages were arriving.

And then finally the snow started falling. 

Christmas had arrived. :)

Unfortunately Josh was stuck at the hospital Christmas Eve and day from 6 until 6, but we still tried to fit in as much Christmas as we could. Christmas Eve we went to the Garza's house and ate dinner with them and the Hooton's. Then we broke out the graham crackers and got busy stuffing ourselves with candy while we attempted to make gingerbread houses. 

Josh probably had the best one. It was an igloo! And hard as rock.

I tried being all fancy and watched my house collapse in the end. Too much licorice for one roof. (I fixed it up after the earthquake though.)

Christmas day Carey Hooton and I took our husbands 7-11 slurpees (the only place open on Christmas day) and ate lunch with them at the hospital. Our "lunch" looked like this in the beginning. Just look at those Doctors!

We finally tore them away from their patients though and got in a good meal. Then Carey and I left them to their work while we went home and watched a Christmas movie and waited for them to come home, so we could get down to the real Christmas. A good night of opening presents and some video chats with the fam finished up our first Christmas with just the two of us.

Now it's January. 2014 already. We had fun celebrating Josh's birthday with our friends the Hooton's and Garza's again. Josh got to open presents and eat some yummy dessert. But the best present was probably that Josh got New Year's Day off so we got to stay up late, sleep in late, make a delicious breakfast, go bowling, and watch two movies at the dollar theater. It was a great day and much needed. 2013, it's been great!


The Maughans said...

Oh no, this generally means that I need to Catch-Up too.

Annie said...

You're so nice to me Sydney! I stinking love your hair, and your totally awesome costumes. I'm pretty sure I read this post before, I'm not sure why I was too lame to comment though. And I'm also sure that this comment will show up as annie, or unknown, and it's really kristal :) and holy cow, can't believe you're married to a doctor. That is neat, and makes me feel old.