Monday, February 13, 2017

Spring Tim

After Hawaii things get a little fuzzy for me (since I'm writing this post a year later). Calvin continued being the cutest chubbiest thing around and grew like a weed. 
We took a trip to Utah and went on an awesome hike in some freezing spring weather.

Took some Hamilton family photos back in January and forgot to post them.

Oh, and we also blessed Calvin on this Christmas trip and I forgot to post about it. I guess I was overly excited to post about Hawaii. I can't find any pictures of that day. :( Terrible mother. It was a wonderful day though. So heartwarming to hear Josh bless and name our little chunk that we had waited so long for.

Back to spring. Spending every minute out in the sun. Winter was long and very rainy.

In May at 8 and 1/2 months Calvin finally learned how to coordinate moving his legs at the same time as his arms and crawled. (This is him not crawling, but I love it.)

We did lots of yard work, well mostly Josh did lots. I did a little and left him behind to go see Tulips with friends.

There was also a terrible day when I took Calvin jogging in a stroller. Fiz was also with us and got tangled with another dog when we were finishing up. I forgot to lock the wheels and when I bent down to untangle him Calvin rolled away, over the edge of the path and toward the lake. Most scary moment of my life. Luckily there were some bushes to stop him from going into the lake. Unluckily the bushes were blackberry vines. I felt so terrible. He's a tough kid though and only cried for a minute or so. And thankfully his scratches went away pretty quickly.

For Easter we were visited by the Maughan family and Grandma and Grandpa C. We had a ton of fun cramming everyone into our little house. Everyone spoiled Calvin with attention and we had fun dyeing, rolling and hunting Easter eggs.

And that's all I can think of that happened through spring. Minus all the house renovationing... Cue next blog post.

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