Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Trip to DC and Adam's Visit Part 3

Towards the end of Adam's visit we had yet to explore Richmond itself, or do much shopping... This store here was a special find.
After finding a great pair of pants for Josh and a fantastic tie for Adam we headed off to do a little sightseeing in the city. We discovered an awesome Civil War museum that was actually built inside a building partly destroyed during the Civil War.

We found some cool looking black powder candy to buy. Turns out it was just plain sugar with something in it that made your mouth black. Not tasty.

We also spent some time exploring the James River and the surrounding areas. Kind of bigger than most the rivers one would find in Utah.

Across the bridge was an area called Belle Isle. It was sweet and looked like the world of the lost boys.

And here they are... the lost boys. :)

Then we took Adam to see more of actual downtown Richmond, including where Josh goes to school. This picture should look a little familiar.

And of course we took some time to snap a few model shots up by the capital. He's a natural.

After all of our adventures we needed some nourishing food. And two nights in a row of Buffalo Wild Wings? What more could boys ask for? Truly a great vacation for all.

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