Sunday, March 28, 2010

Times...they are a changin'....

So...we decided to sell the couches that we just bought a few months ago.  Why, you may ask?  Just because.  So far they have been replaced with one fantastic couch.

Doesn't she look great?  (Both Syd and the couch)

Thanks to Greg, a guy I go to school with, and his truck, this couch found itself a new home.  I think that this one is here to stay.  

Syd and I had a pretty eventful weekend.  I was madly studying to catch up on all the slacking that I did over Spring Break & we went and looked at a lot of potential houses and apartments to rent next year.  Saturday was full of our couch switching, and even later that night we went on a mad run to see a free couch that had just popped up on Craigslist.  It went so well with our newest addition, but had some rips and tears that we didn't want.  

Either way, it was a great weekend, & I can't wait until next weekend where I'll be finished with my tests & it will be April and General Conference.  Yahoo!  Summer is just a little bit closer.  

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Washington DC

Wonderful Washington DC.  Please enjoy the pictures.  We drove up on Friday and saw the city.  We went to the temple that night & stayed in a sweet Motel 6.  Saturday we had the whole day to walk all over the place and see 1 million museums.  It was so fun and the weather was so nice.
Jim and Kaylene in front of the White House.                   The Washington Monument
                The WWII Memorial                               Walking up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial
Riding the METRO!
The blossoms were bloomin.
Sitting just outside the capital enjoying the Kill the Bill, Healthcare Bill rally.  The weather was so wonderful!
White House again.
              Words cannot describe                                     Washington Monument
     Push-ups.  Sydney Style.                         Don't mess with her.
She's angry!

I know it's a lot of pictures I've posted, but the stories will come later.  Too much to study & not enough time to write it all.  Enjoy!


On Thursday, we headed back east again to see the historic Jamestown settlement.  Yes...the very Jamestown of John Smith & Pocahontas.  

In front of something.
Kaylene by ole John Smith himself.
Yes...this is Pocahontas!
I pretty much blend right in.
So, the water was supposedly the main reason why the settlement sucked.  They didn't dig a well until they were there for like 2 years.  They just drank the river/ocean water.  I tasted it.  It was no bueno.
Inside a house of sticks.
Firing at the British!
Inside a super old church.

After Jamestown, we headed over to the Yorktown Battlefield.  It was large and very battlefield looking.  Don't tell any authorities, but I totally took a leak in the woods here.  I was making my mark on history.
Sydney giving it all she's got!
The whole gang ready for battle.

After another full day, we headed on back to Richmond.  A note for all of you readers...we did this whole wonderful trip in our mighty 1990 Honda Accord "Robert The Bruce."  
He was such a champ!  We're so proud of him!

The Hamiltons Come to Virginia!

Well, we just finished a fantabulous Spring Break & Sydney's parents decided to come pay a visit to ole Richmond & the east coast of the United States.  We were happy to have them & we all had a grand time in our 1 bedroom apartment.  We started the grand tour with a little walk around Richmond.
This is a factory or something that was on Belle's Island.  It's a fun place to walk & probably has some historic significance with a war or something.  :)  I'm sure Jim and Kaylene would love to fill you in on the specifics.  
Waiting outside the Governor's Mansion in Colonial Williamsburg.
Me with a lot of swords.  Imagine this picture time 10 and you would be in the entryway.  There were seriously like 500 swords & guns on the walls.
Syd, Jim, & Kaylene on the back porch of the Governor's Mansion with our interesting tour guide.  
Obligatory stock photo just outside the courthouse in Williamsburg.  They look so happy!
The blacksmith.  Sydney is glad she walks dogs for a living.
The joiner.  He was a character.
This is the capitol building.  Sydney is always ready for the camera!

We had a great time in Williamsburg.  Lots of walking and looking at stuff, but it was all very enjoyable and impressive.  Apparently all the people who work there really know how to do everything.  The blacksmith makes tools for everyone & the cobbler makes shoes & such.  It was pretty cool.
I think we officially found our colonial spirit.  After all that adventure, we drove back to Richmond & had a wonderful meal prepared by Sydney and I & got ready for our next adventure.  Jamestown!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I Think We're Obsessed with Jumping Pictures

What can I say?  Things just look cooler when you freeze time while you're soaring through the air.  This was at a park south of Richmond on James River that Syd and I drove to on Monday.  The weather was so nice (65 F) we could hardly resist taking the bike out for a spin.  

We also went apartment hunting as well.  We're looking for a new place to move this summer with a little more space than our current abode.  We don't have anywhere to put visitors when (if) they come.  What do you think?

New Manchester Flats?

What we really want to find is a little place like this.
Isn't it so cute?  We're trying to work out a deal with the owners.  They advertised the property being available now, but we're not ready to move until June.  
After a good long ride, we were both quite hungry.  We stopped off in Shockoe Bottom to look for something to eat.  We decided upon the "Bubbling Restaurant."  In Sweden, I fell in love with something called Kebab.  Oh it is delicious.  I have not yet found exactly what it is here in the U.S., but that's why we stopped off at Bubbling to see if they had some kebab that would satisfy me.  Sydney had a hard time ordering but had fun playing along.  Our server was fantastic.  I tried to snap a photo, but the service was just too fast.  

They even had Baba Ghannouj!  I highly recommend it!  I had the Lamb Kebab Pita.  

Monday, March 8, 2010

Recent Fun

This past week I had the joy of walking five, count them, FIVE Jack Russells. :) Kat and I actually walked them together, me with three and her with two, but it was fun to pretend that I was a "city" dog walker for a little while. It was especially fun that we were on a busy street where people would honk or yell at the sight. We just had to take some pictures to remember the experience. I don't know how city dog walkers ever handle such groups.

We thought it was pretty funny when all of them made a stop off at this tree. Don't know what they thought was so great.

I only had all of them for a minute or so, and I could barely keep them straight. Thank heavens they weren't any bigger, or I would have been on the ground.