Monday, April 19, 2010

Primary Acitvity

I just thought I'd post a few pictures of the fun we had for primary this last Saturday. It was one of our quarterly activities for the year, and was pretty entertaining. Crystal Souter, our second councilor in the primary planned the "Primary Carnival, " and the rest of us just helped get everything organized and set up for it. It turned out to be really great and I know the kids had lots of fun. I, lucky me, get to plan the next one :/, and I'm muchly terrified. Crystal set the bar pretty high, and I hope I can do as well as she did when it's my turn.

Since I can't move these pictures around for some reason, they aren't going to be in order of the way they happened... not like it really matters. :)

This was the "cake walk" done at the end of everything. (They didn't win any cakes, but everyone got a small beach ball that said "Walk With Jesus." We thought they were just fabulous.)

The carnival consisted of games that helped the children learn the teachings of Jesus. The kids would win tickets and at the end they got to buy treats with the tickets they won. This game was about the Widow's Mite. (The kids tried to drop pennies into the water and get them to land on a quarter at the bottom.)

I actually don't remember what this one even was, but this is a picture of Jordan. I've mentioned him to some of you. (He's a little hard to handle. :))

Some lovely women taking time to pose for me. (Crystal, second councilor on the far right)

This was the Wise Man/Foolish Man game. The older kids LOVED this one, and the competition was intense to build the highest tower. I LOVE Yusu's face in the back. :)

These are the other lovely women I work with in the primary. (Adrien, secretary, on the left; Jackie, president, on the right with new baby Addy) I'm so glad they're good at what they do.

Liam here is one of my favorites. He is quite possibly one of the fruitiest children I have ever met. He cracks me up! Here he is twirling his hair and "dancing?"

More of the Wise Man/Foolish Man competition.

Some cuties in the branch. (I'm pretty sure our small branch has more insanely cute children than most wards.)

Poor Josh didn't get to join in on all the fun, but don't you worry. He got to have some fun of his own. He was volunteering at the hospital all day long getting ultrasounds. No baby yet, but we'll keep you posted. ;) It was a long day for him, but he said it was really interesting, so we're both glad it was worth the time.

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