Monday, September 3, 2012

The Wild Ponies of Chincoteague/Assateague

While I was studying for my board exam a month ago, we made a last minute decision that Sydney was going to move to Utah and start looking for a job before I come out there for away rotations in October.  We had planned a vacation to Utah already, but Sydney was just going to stay in Utah instead of flying back to VA with me.  So, naturally, we had to do all the fun things that Syd had been wanting to do in VA in a very short amount of time.  One such thing was to visit Chincoteague/Assateague Islands to see the wild ponies.  (Cue nostalgic music)  I couldn't care less about wild ponies, but Sydney read this book as a child and always dreamed of visiting.  

So, we went and it was a blast!  We didn't really see the ponies, (only from very far away) but it was a great break from studying and I got to spend time with my wife!

 We went on an awesome kayaking tour.  

 The ponies are there.  Trust me.

We got out at a beach and went swimming, only to be stung by jellyfish.  Those little suckers freaking hurt!  Syd got stung a few times just before I got stung on the leg.  OUCH!!!!  

Overall, an awesome time and a childhood dream fulfilled!  We actually saw a pony while we were driving around the island that we later learned was a living relative of Misty. 

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